Big Wellness is about making small changes that lead to big results.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes the idea of wellness feels too “big” to me. It takes too much time, too much energy, too much focus to eat right, to work out, to stay healthy. I think that’s why, every time I start a weight loss or fitness routine that requires overhauling my entire lifestyle, I only stick with it for a few weeks before reverting back to what’s comfortable. I am more comfortable with thinking small, taking small steps, and making small changes.
The thing is, you’ve gotta start somewhere. Replacing one cup of soda with water each day still reduces your sugar intake. Taking a short walk a couple of times per week still counts as exercise. Turning off the TV a few minutes before bed and reading a book is still good for your mental health.
What small changes can you make that will help you achieve big wellness?